Retro 3: 1st International Artist‘s Book Triennial Vilnius 1997
Theme: “Diary: Eight Days”
Time: 23 September – 14 November 1997
Location: Gallery “Kaire Desine”, Vilnius, Lithuania
We continue our series of articles about artist’s book exhibitions, organized in Lithuania.
The “1st International Artist‘s Book Triennial Vilnius 1997” was exhibited in the new gallery “Kaire Desine” in Vilnius. The gallery name means “Left – Right”, because the gallery had two exhibition spaces one on the left and the another on the right side of a staircase. On this time the gallery “Kaire Desine” was new and unknown gallery, it was unpainted with not renovated ceiling. I was after art residency in Germany, and this horrible gallery reminded me the “tank Galerie” in Germany, which I like very much. So I left ceiling in concrete, I painted wall in white colour and the wooden floor in grey. Also the gallery had no exhibition showcases, so I decided to make original bookshelf and tables for showing artist’s books from not planed wood, like I have seen in Denmark…
And only now I found few photos made with Film Cameras and printed on a paper from this 1st Artist’s Book Triennial. I found that it could be interesting for you to see how does looks this first Triennial. So I scanned it, and I would like to share it with you. In one photo you can see an artists from Sweden – Katriona S.W. Persson. And she is only one artist from abroad (from 718 artists) who participated in all our six artists books triennials !
I am sorry for not so good quality of archival photos.
Kestutis Vasiliunas
curator of the Triennial
© Circle “Bokartas”, Kestutis Vasiliunas