Artist’s Book Creators in Leipzig Book Fair 2017

Meeting with Artist’s Book Creators in Leipzig Book Fair


Diana, Migle, Giedre, Juste, Barbara Beisinghoff, Kristina, Kamile, Jure and Kestutis Vasiliunas

Time: 23-26 March 2017
Location: “26. IAKH”, Halle 3, Stand H 501, Leipzig Book Fair, Germany

Leipzig Book Fair – the art space for artist’s books, limited & fine art editions, prints, private press, exhibitions, universities, competition for the best book design, antique books, readings and etc. But what is most important – it’s a meeting space for an artists, for artist’s book creators; The space where you can meet your old art friends and to find new, where you can monitor what is happening in the art of an artist’s book and follow the progress of contemporary book design.

And always it is nice to come to Leipzig Book Fair with students, with the younger generation of artists. Here we have the best lessons of book design or typography, artist’s book or illustration. Here we discuses about good, conceptual and bad books in the Leipzig Book Fair. Here we meet our art friends and talk with them about ideas and visualization of it in a book format.


Article about travel with the students to Leipzig Book Fair


Kestutis Vasiliunas
Circle “Bokartas”